Dec 7, 2009

Fisting and Public Schools - Obama Czar

Breaking news from

Woman: Question is: What’s fisting?

Man: A little known fact is that you don’t make a fist like this. When they do it, it’s like this. This is a lot easier than this. [laughter]

Woman: You work your way up to it… [unclear] one finger, two fingers, three fingers … Some people can take a hand, or they can’t take a hand.

It’s about tolerance? If Gay Straight Alliances are not about sex, why are the people who run Gay Straight Alliances telling students about fisting? What you did not see is the man leading the discussion positioning his hand and showing 14 year olds how to insert their entire hand into the rectum of their sex partner.

You just heard a public employee promote “fisting” to 14-year-olds. Kevin Jennings who ran GLSEN is now Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar.


Read the entire article here.


Siobhan said...

Sorry but this post confused me as it felt like I was missing part of the story. Did a bit of digging around and found this which explains the situation a little bit more in depth and clarified the situation some more and thought I would share:

TroubledPatriot said...

That's why I added the link to the full story.... has some interesting sound bites as well.